Category: Adab of the Sufi Path

Book | Buzidi: Al-Adab al-Mardiyya – الآداب المرضية للإمام البوزيدي

Book | Buzidi: Al-Adab al-Mardiyya - الآداب المرضية للإمام البوزيدي

Buzidi: Al-Adab al-Maridyya

By Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Buzidi
الآداب المرضية للإمام البوزيدي

الآداب المرضية للإمام البوزيدي - Book pages | Fihris
Summary in English

Card 4. The peril of envying the Awlia

Card project – TOPIC 4
The peril of envying the Awlia


From Adab al-Suhba:

Point 33: Be happy for your and don’t envy him when people follow him and get attached to him

It is a right one owes ...

Card 8. Sh. Ahmad Zarruq’s first Shaykh, and his resque by Sh. Abul ´Abbas al-Hadrami


From the tabaqat:

Sufism became endeared to Sayyiduna sh. Ahmad Zarrq, and he joined the path of the Sufis at the ...