Qasidas of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

Poems of His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

Praise of the Prophet ﷺ

Praise of the Best of Mankind ﷺ
Praising the Messenger – Takhmis Sarsari: Madih Rasul Allah – مديح رسول الله ﷺ
Rather I praised my speech by mentioning Muhammad ﷺ – Lakin madahtu – لكن مدحت مقالتي بمحمد ﷺ
Praising the Best of mankind ﷺ in Poetry – Madhu khayril wara – مدح خير الورى في الشعر
O you Selected before Adam was created – Ya Mustafa min qabli Adam – يا مصطفى من قبل نشأة آدم
Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Maghani: Sakhartu aqlami – سخرت أقلامي Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;

Description of him ﷺ and his beauty
Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah – – محمد رسول الله ﷺ
The Purest of all pure – Aqdas al-Aqdas – قصيدة أقدس الأقداس
The Ka'ba of Beauty (A Lover's Tale) – Ka'batul-husn – كعبة الحسن
The Beauty of the Prophet – Fi Jamail al-Nabi – في جمال النبي ﷺ

Love and yearning him ﷺ
My heart is Madani – Qalbi Madani – قلبي في الهوى مدني
AudioSafat laka minni – صفت لك مني في الغرام سريرة
YoutubeThe Beloved ﷺ (Lines engraved in the Rawda) – Antal-Habib – أنت الحريب
Sonnet to the Beloved (Takhmis Rifa'i) – Fi halat al-bu'd (Ruh al-Muhibb) – في حالة البعد
Umar Ibn al-Farid, expanded by Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: The face of my Beloved – Wajhu Hibbi – وجه حبي
How long have I been yearning – Tala Shawqi – طال شوقي إلى الحبيب Maqam: Nahawand;

His ﷺ importance for us
Honoring the Messenger of Allah – Ayna tawqir – أين توقير النبي المصطفى Maqam: Nahawand;
Where it not for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ – Lawla Rasul Allah – لولا رسول الله

O Master of all Messengers (First youth poem) – Ya Sayyid ar-Rusli – يا سيد الرسل
O indescribable Master – Ya Sayyidan qad samat mahasinuhu – يا سيدا قد سمت محاسنه
YoutubeO The Elect – Ya Ayyhua'l-Mukhtar – يا أيها المختار Maqam: Hijaz·Sika;
At the door of the Best of Creation – Ila babi khayril-khalq – إلى بلب خير الخلق زقت وسيلتي
Sh. Muhammad Abul Hasan al-Bakari, expanded by Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: No Mercy that Allah has sent down – Al-Bakariyya (Ma arsalar-Rahman) – القصيدة البكرية – ما أرسل الرحمن Maqam: Saba;

Visiting him ﷺ
Who visits Taha – Man zara Taha – من زار طه أحمدا
You who intend to visit Ahmad ﷺ (by Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi) – Ya Qasidina – يا قاصدين إلى زيارة أحمد
My heart is in awe of the earth of Madina – As'adul khalq – أسعد الخلق (فؤادي إلى أرض المدينة رائع)
The Green Dome – Al-qubbatul-hadra – القبة الخضراء

The family of the Prophet
The Parents of the Best of Mankind ﷺ – Walida – والدا خير الورى
Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi: Friendliness to the Noble Family – Mawadda – مودة آل املبيت الكرا

Mawlid greetings
I shed tears – Sa-askub min 'ayna – سأسكب من عيني
Mawlid Congratulations – – تهنئة بيوم المولد
A Song for the Elect – Ya ayyuha al-Hadi – يا أيها الحادي
YoutubeO Crecsent of Spring, peace be upon you! – Hilalar-Rabi' – هلال الربيع عليك السلام
YoutubeThe moon of Rabi' is Rising – Hilalu Rabi'in halla – هلال ربيع هل
Mawlid Celebration – Taba al-Liqa – طاب اللقاء بذكرى سيد البشر
The most beautiful day is when he ﷺ was born – Ajmalul-ayyam – أجمل الأيام
My heart pulsates with love – Fu'adi yanbidu bil-hubb – فؤادي ينبض بالحب

Longer poems
The greatest secret - Matla'ul-Asrar (undotted) – Matla'ul-Asrar – مطلع الأسرار
Sa’d al-Su’ud (undotted) – Sa'd al-Su'ud – سعد السعود
AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: The smell of Jasmine – Nashr al-Yasemine – نشر الياسمين Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;
The Story about the she-camel of the Prophet ﷺ – Qaswa – قصة قصواء
O Best of Mankind – Ya khayra khalq – يا خير خلق الله
The Dual Poem – Al-Muthanna – القصيدة المثناة Maqam: Moroccan·Various;
Suspended Poem in Praise of the Prophet ﷺ – Mu'allaqah – معلقة المديح النبوي

Tashtir of Qasida Burda
AudioBusiri / Yaqoubi: Burda Ch. 7: Ya khayra man yammama – يا خير من يمم Maqam: Ghariba Husayn;
AudioBusiri / Yaqoubi: Burda Ch. 7: Bushra lana – بشرى لنا Maqam: Raml Maya;
AudioBusiri / Yaqoubi: Burda Ch. 10: Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa – يا رب بالمصطفى Maqam: Ajam·Moroccan;

Futuhat – Moroccan Revelations
Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Everyone extols the one he loves – Futuhat: Kullun yughali – كل يغالي بمن يهوى
AudioSh. Muhammad al Yaqoubi: Here is my heart – Futuhat: Hadha Fuadi – هذا فؤادي Maqam: Ghariba Husayn;
AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Every beautiful quality – Futuhat: Wa kullu wasf – وكل وصف جميل Maqam: Raml Maya;
AudioI mould in his praise – Futuhat: Asughu fi madhihi – أصوغ في مدحه Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;
AudioSh. Muhammad al Yaqoubi: Save me with a gentle breath – Futuhat: Adrik bi nafhati riqin – أدرك بنفثة Maqam: Zarikah;

Al-Iqd al-munaddad – Necklace
AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Al-‘Iqd Al-Munaddad: Dhu maqam – العقد المنضد Maqam: Istihlal;
AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Al-‘Iqd Al-Munaddad: Innama al-Mukhtar – العقد المنضد Maqam: Istihlal;
AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Al-‘Iqd Al-Munaddad: Fa salatu Allah – العقد المنضد Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;

Anwar al-Rabi’
From the Poetry collection The Lights of Spring – Diwan Anwar al-Rabi' – ديوان أنوار الربيع

  • Suspended Poem in Praise of the Prophet ﷺ – Mu'allaqah – معلقة المديح النبوي
  • AudioI stood at the doors of TaHa – Waqaftu 'ala abwabi TaHa – وقفت على أبواب طه ﷺ Maqam: Ghariba Husayn;
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Upon him ﷺ be the prayers of Allah – 'Alayhi salatu Allah – عليه صلاة الله Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: I express my ardent love to The Elect ﷺ – Abuthu ilal-Mukhtar – أبث إلى المختالر ﷺ Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Adab with the Best of Creation ﷺ – Wajthu ihtiraman – واجث احتراما Maqam: Istihlal;
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Muhammad ﷺ is the source of happyness – Aslus-sa'ada – أصل السعادة Maqam: Raml Maya;
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: He ﷺ is manifest, he ﷺ is hidden – Huwa zhahirun – هو ظاهر هو باطن هو أول Maqam: Raml Maya;
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Refresh the hearts – Rawwihul-qulub – روحوا القلوب Maqam: Ajam·Moroccan·Nahawand;
  • The Hidden Pearl – Al-Lulu al-Maknun – اللؤلؤ المكنون - بمولد المصطفى ﷺ
  • The Glory of the Prophet ﷺ – Majd al-Nabi – مجد النبي ﷺ
  • AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: End du'a from Anwar al-Rabi' – Du'a fil-khitam – الدعا في الخطام Maqam: Zarikah;


    Translations and other authors
    Extend your hand
    Bi-sirri-dhati Allah

  • Sufi Poetry

    Reminders and Guidance
    Repent – Tub ila Allah – تب إلى الله Maqam: Ajam·Bayat;
    YoutubeCure for harshness of the heart – 'Ilaj qaswatil-qalb – علاج قسوة القلب
    Hearts of atone – Al-qulub al-mutahajjarah – القلوب المتحجرة
    How to thank Allah – Kayfa tashkuru Allah – كيف تشكر الله تعالى
    This world – Dunya – الدنيا
    YoutubeAudioA call to the youth – Ila al-ghafilina min al-shabab – إلى الغافلين من الشباب
    Rose water and 'Oud – Qumqum – قمقم ماء الورد
    Directions for Seekers – Tawajjuhat lil-Salikin – توجهات للسالكين
    YoutubeExpose yourself to the Divine Breezes – Ta'arrad ila nafahat al-Iman – نفحات الإيمان

    Devotions and Prayers
    Remembrance of Allah – Alayka bi-dhikri Allah – عليك بذكر الله
    YoutubeAudioAudioMore Allah suffices me – Hasbia Allah – حسبي الله Maqam: Bayat·Hijaz·Nahawand;
    AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Call Me and I shall answer you – Ud'uni astajib lakum – ادعوني أستجب لكم Maqam: Moroccan·Rast;

    From “Diwan al-Yaqoubiyat”
    AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: If you hope for the Grace of Al-Muhaymin – In kunta – إن كنت في كرم المهيمن تطمع Maqam: Iraq al-Ajam;
    AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: My God, in You is my hope and yearning – Ilahi ilayka ar-Raja – إلاه إليك الرجا Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;
    AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: To You be Praise – Lakal-hamd – لك الحمد Maqam: Hijaz·Moroccan;

    The Sufi Anthem: We are fuqara – Nahnu al-fuqara – نشيد الصوفية Maqam: Hijaz·Rast;

    Some poems by Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi
    Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi: The Souls of the Lovers – Arwah al-Ahbab – أرواح الأحباب Maqam: Rast;
    Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi: Remoteness of the bodies is not separation – Taba'ud al-ajsamby – تباعد الأجسام
    Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi: Poem ending on lam – Lamiyya al-nasib – لامية النسيب
    Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi: Some lines of love poetry – – أبيات في الغزل

    Love and Yearning
    YoutubeAudioThe souls' Yearning (Suhrawardi) – Hanin al-Arwah (Lakumu fuadi) – حنين الأرواح Maqam: Hijaz;
    You have taken my mind – Tamallaktum 'aqli – تملكتم عقلي
    Allah Latif – Allah Latifun bi'ibadihi – الله لطيف بعباده
    Ocean of Beauty – Bahr al-Jamal (Tajla lial-Mahbub) – بحر الجمال Maqam: Bayat·Hijaz;
    Explaining the State of Annihilation – Sharh hal al-Fana (Ana fil-kawni mafqud) – شرح حال الفناء Maqam: Hijaz;
    My Spiritual Journey – BiAllah sirri nataq – بالله سري نطق Maqam: Hijaz;
    Al-Qutb Abu Madyan, expanded by Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: My heart can not love other than You – Haramun 'ala qalbi (Ala inna dhikr Allah) – (أحب لقا الأحباب) حرام على قلبي محبة غيركم Maqam: Ajam;
    Audio I love you twice – Uhibbuka hubbayn – أحبك حبين Maqam: Moroccan·Nahawand;

    YoutubeAudioMore The Shadhili Oecans – Al-buhur al-Shadhiliyya – البحور الشاذلية Maqam: Ajam·Bayat·Hijaz;
    The Truth is true – Al-Haqq haqqun – الحق حق Maqam: Hijaz;
    YoutubeThe Drink of Love (The Realities of His Unity) – Ishrab sharab al-Hubb (Haqa'iq al-Tawhid) – اشرب شراب الحب (حقائق التوحيد) Maqam: Hijaz;
    YoutubeBreezes - I am melted in His love – Nafahat (Dhubtu fil-hawa) – نفحات - ذبت في الهوى Maqam: Hijaz·Nahawand;
    The Secrets of the Single Name – Asrar al-Ism al Mufrad (Ism al-Dhat al-'Aliyya) – أسرار الاسم المفرد

    Sufi Masters

    The Yaqoubi Masters
    A noble uncle: Sh. Sharif al-Yaqoubi – 'Ammum Sharifun – عم شريف
    YoutubeSh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi – Qutb al-Ma'arif – قطب المعارف إبراهيم Maqam: Bayat·Saba;
    A Letter of Love to Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi – Risala – رسالة لا كالرسائل
    Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: The personality of Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi – Shakhsiyya – شخصية العلامة الشيخ إبراهيم اليعقوبي
    The Grave of a great Pole – Ya qabr – يا قبر كيف حويت قطبا Maqam: Nahawand;

    Imam al-Dirqawi
    Dirqawi Ocean – Ighrif min bahri – اغرف من بحر الإمام الدرقاوي Maqam: Nahawand;

    Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili
    YoutubeAudioAudioFemale voiceMore Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili – Qutb al-Aqtab – قطب الأقطاب Maqam: Hijaz·Sika;

    Moulay AbdusSalam Ibn Mashish
    AudioMine of Lights – Ma'din al-Anwar – معدن الأنوار Maqam: Nahawand·Raml Maya;
    The virtues of Moulay 'Abd as-Salam Ibn Mashish – – مولاي عبد السلام بن مشيش
    The Secrets of the Mashishyya Prayer – Asrar al-Mashishiyya – أسرار الصلاة المشيشية

    Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani
    YoutubeThe Drink of Love (The Realities of His Unity) – Ishrab sharab al-Hubb (Haqa'iq al-Tawhid) – اشرب شراب الحب (حقائق التوحيد) Maqam: Hijaz;

    Various Qasidas

    Quran, Hadith. Dala’il
    YoutubeA poem on the Suras of the Quran – 'Iqd al-Juman – عقد الجمان في ترتيب سور القرآن
    The Last Revelation – Khatam al-Wahyi – ختم الوحي
    When my heart is heavy – Idha Daqa Sadri – إذا ضاق صدري
    Narrations of the Companions – Ahadith as-Sahaba – أحاديث الصبابة
    Poem for the Khatam of Jami' al-Tirmidhi – Khatam al-Tirmidhi – قصيدة الترمذي
    Dalail al-Khayrat song

    Knowledge is Light – Ithna 'Ashara (Al-'ilmu nur) – القصيدة الاثنى عشرة (العلم نور)
    Manners of Debate – Adab al-munazhara – آداب المناظرة
    Etiquettes of a scholar – Adab al-'Alim fil-'ilm – آداب العالم في العلم
    We are all ignorant – Kulluna juhhal – كلنا جهال
    Complex ignorant – Al-Jahil al-murakkab – الجاهل المركب
    The Book is the best friend (by Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi) – Al-kitab khayrus-sadiq – الكتاب خير الصديق

    The Fragrace of Ambar (by Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi) – 'Abir al-misk – عبير المسك
    YoutubeSayyiduna recitingThe Mother (by Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi) – Al-Umm – الأم
    Taking another wife – – الزواج بثانية

    Poem on the 2018 Football World Cup – Kurrat al-Qadam 2018 – قصيدة كرة القدم
    Moroccan Victory in the World Fooball Cup 2022 – Injazat fariq al-Maghrib – إنجازات فريق المغرب في مباريات كأس العالم لكرة القدم

    The City of Samara and the greatlness of the Moroccan Desert – Amjad al-Sahra al-Maghribiyya – مدينة السمارة وأمجاد الصحراء المغربية
    Al-Quds is crying out – Al-Quds tunadi – القدس تنادي
    The Time of a-Mahdi – Awan al-Mahdi – أوان المهدي
    The rose-colored Poem about the SIgns of Al-Mahrdi – Al 'Iqd al-Wardi – العقد الوردي في علامات المهدي

    From the “Fi zhilal al-Sham” (Under the Shade of Sham)
    From the Poetry Collection In the Shade of the Levant – Fi Zhilal al-Sham – في ظلال الشام - ديوان الشعر

  • Love for Damascus – Li fi Dimashq sababa – لي في دمشق صبابة
  • A greeting to Sham – Salam – سلام للشام Maqam: Nahawand;
  • O people of Damascus – Ya ahla Dimashq – يا أهل دمشق أناديكم

    Around the Year
    New Year
    Eid al-Fitr
    Eid al-Adha
    Fi dhikr al-Hijra

    Sabah al-khayr

  • Books and collections


    YoutubeAudioAudioThe Necklace in praise of our Master Muhammad ﷺ – Al-'Iqd al-Munaddad – العقد المنضد في مدح سيدنا محمد ﷺ Maqam: Istihlal·Nahawand;

    YoutubeAudioAudioThe Prophetic Lights": A Poetic Expansion of Qasidah al-Burda Poem via Tashtir – Al-Anwar Al-Muhammadiyyah - Tashtir al-Kawakib al-durriyya – الأنوار ا>لمحمدية تشطير الكواكب الدرية Maqam: Ghariba Husayn·Iraq al-Ajam·Raml Maya·Various;

    AudioSh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi: Expansion of Imam al-Busiri's Hamziyya – Tashtir al-Hamziyya – تشطير الهمزية للإمام البوصيري Maqam: Zarikah;

    YoutubeAudioAudioLectureThe Moroccan Revelations – Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya – الفتوحات المغربية Maqam: Ghariba Husayn·Nahawand·Raml Maya·Zarikah;

    YoutubeAudio The Raining Clouds – Saḥā´ib an-Nadā – سحائب الندى

    In the Shade of the Levant – Fi Zhilal al-Sham – في ظلال الشام - ديوان الشعر

    AudioA Compendium of the Noble Names of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ – Maghani Ruba' al-Asma – مغانى ربى الأسماء - جامع الأسماء النبوية والأوصاف المحمدية Maqam: Nahawand;

    AudioRefutation of the Mu'tazilites – Ghazal al-Kalam fi al-radd 'ala al-mu'tazilah – غزل الكلام في الرد على المعتزلة Maqam: Istihlal·Nahawand;

    The Manners Of Debate – Ahsan al-Muhadara fi Adab al-bahth wal-munazhara – أحسن المحاضرة في آداب البحث والمناظرة

    Arabic-English Glossary – Al-Dhahab al-Ibriz – الذهب الإبريز في لغة الإنجليز

    Qasida pages

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