Book | Yaqoubi: Ghazal al-Kalam – غزل الكلام للشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

In a remarkable and eloquent dialogue set in poetic style, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi describes a debate between the Mu'tazilites and mainstream Sunni theologies. It is a rejoinder to a poem written eloquently in classical Arabic over a thousand years ago by Abu'l-Qasim Isma'il ibn 'Abbad (d. 385 AH / 995 AC). The author, being an erudite scholar of classical theology and Arabic literature, followed the same method used by ibn 'Abbad, which is poetry, to bring a marvelous poem of two hundred lines to life. The book starts with five introductory chapters on the original poem and its author, a look into the poem and its pattern. Although the subject is difficult, the author, simplifies and makes it accessible to the average reader.
Sacred Knowledge 2017
ISBN: 1908224150, 978-1908224156
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