Qasida | Sa-askub min ‘aynayya – سأسكب من عيني | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
In an interview for “They tell us about their fathers“, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi says: “Almost every year, I compose a poem in praise of the Prophet ﷺ on the occasion of his noble birth. The latest one is from 1407, and it begins with the lines: ‘I shed tears from my eyes for the Best of Creation ﷺ …’ ”
Source: يحدثوننا عن آبائهم
Categories: Yaqoubi Poetry 🞄 Tags: Mawlid 🞄 Language: عربي 🞄 Mediatype: Poster · Qasida 🞄 Qasida type: In praise of the Prophet ﷺ 🞄