Bio: Sh. `Abd al-Rahman al-Majdhub | الشيخ عبد الرحمان المجذوب

Bio: Sh. `Abd al-Rahman al-Majdhub | الشيخ عبد الرحمان المجذوب

Sh. 'Abd al-Rahman "al-Majdhub"

الشيخ عبد الرحمان المجذوب
b. 909 H. in Azzemour – d.976 H. in Meknes
qaddasa Allah sirrahu

His Shaykh in the Shadhili Path was Sayyidi Sh. Ibrahim Fahham
He passed it on to Sayyidi Sh. Sh. Yūsuf Al-Fāsī – الشيخ يوسف الفاسي



Burial Place

Abderrahman died on 26 May 1568 in the Marshaqa village in the habt region.[6] As requested by his will, he was buried in Meknes on 29 May 1568, near the Aissa gate, where later the mausoleum of Moulay Ismail was built.[7][6] The dome above his tomb was built by his student Abu l-Mahasin Yusuf al-Fasi.[6] The tomb attracts many visitors every day.[8]
لما أحس بقرب الأجل طلب أن يُذهب به إلى مكناس، فتوفي في الطريق بجبل عوف، أو بين ورغة وأدسبو، ودفنوه خارج مدينة مكناس بجوار باب عيسى وضريح مولاي إسماعيل، وذلك سنة 976 هـ، وما زال قبره موجودا إلى الآن،

Googlemaps link for Bab Issy (اب عيسى)

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