Book | Suyuti: Al-Ta’yid | الإمام أحمد ابن عجيبة : البحر المديد في تفسير القرآن المجيد

Book | Suyuti: Al-Ta’yid

Suyuti: Ta'yid al-Haqiqa - Supporting the Truth

By Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti
تأييد الحقيقة العلية وتشييد الطريقة الشاذلية للإمام السيوطي

Arabic printed 1934
Transl. by Khalid Williams as "The Sublime Truths of the Shadhili Path"
For sale on amazon | kitaabun
1: The Science of Sufism is Based on Hadith and Traditions
2: Concerning the Doctrine of 'Union With God' and Proof of its Falsity
3: Concerning the Doctrine of Indwelling and its Falsity, and a Rebuttal of those who Espouse it.

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