Bio: Sh-. `Abd al-Rahman al-`Attar al-Madani
Sayyidi `Abd al-Rahman al-`Attar al-Madani al-Hasani al-Idrisi
(الشيخ عبد الرجمن المدني العَطَّار الحسني (الملقب بالزَّيات
d. around 600 H. in Madina al-Munawwara
radiya Allah anhu
From Dar Sirr 2008
`Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Husayn al-`Attar was a spice merchant from the city of Sabta, who was called “az-Zayyat” or “al-Madani” because he resided in the oil sellers’ quarter of Medina (where his tomb is still found), while devoting himself to worship at the Prophet’s mosque. Sidi al-Madani’s spiritual master was Sidi Tuqiyudin al-Fuqayyir, who hailed from the Iranian city of Nahrawan but lived near Wasit in Iraq, the home city of Sidi Abul Fath al-Wasiti (d. 642/1227). Sidi Tuqiyudin apparently had two spiritual lineages: one involving an Iraqi line that is commonly cited as the main silsila in Morocco, whose chain of transmission comes from Sidna al-Hassan ibn Ali, and another, now forgotten leading to Sidi Ahmed ar-Rifa’i (d. 678/1236). Another of Sidi al-Madani’s spiritual masters is the Andalusian mystic Sidi Abi Mohammed Jaafar ibn Abdellah ibn Sayyid Buna al-Khuza’i who took from the Patron Saint of the Maghreb Shaykh Sidi Abu Madyan Shuayb al-Ghawt (d. 594).
`Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Husayn al-`Attar was a spice merchant from the city of Sabta, who was called “az-Zayyat” or “al-Madani” because he resided in the oil sellers’ quarter of Medina (where his tomb is still found), while devoting himself to worship at the Prophet’s mosque. Sidi al-Madani’s spiritual master was Sidi Tuqiyudin al-Fuqayyir, who hailed from the Iranian city of Nahrawan but lived near Wasit in Iraq, the home city of Sidi Abul Fath al-Wasiti (d. 642/1227). Sidi Tuqiyudin apparently had two spiritual lineages: one involving an Iraqi line that is commonly cited as the main silsila in Morocco, whose chain of transmission comes from Sidna al-Hassan ibn Ali, and another, now forgotten leading to Sidi Ahmed ar-Rifa’i (d. 678/1236). Another of Sidi al-Madani’s spiritual masters is the Andalusian mystic Sidi Abi Mohammed Jaafar ibn Abdellah ibn Sayyid Buna al-Khuza’i who took from the Patron Saint of the Maghreb Shaykh Sidi Abu Madyan Shuayb al-Ghawt (d. 594).
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[3] سيدي عبد الرحمن الزيات (…- القرن الخامس)
شيخ مولانا عبد السلام بن مَشيش العارفُ الرباني، والغوث الصمداني، الشريف سيدي عبد الرحمن المدني العطَّار، الملقب بالزيَّات، لسكناه بحارة الزيَّاتين بالمدينة المنورة، على صاحبها أفضل الصلاة والسلام.
شيخ مولانا عبد السلام بن مَشيش العارفُ الرباني، والغوث الصمداني، الشريف سيدي عبد الرحمن المدني العطَّار، الملقب بالزيَّات، لسكناه بحارة الزيَّاتين بالمدينة المنورة، على صاحبها أفضل الصلاة والسلام.
وكان رضى الله عنه من أكابرِ أولياء الله تعالى، وكان من رجالِ الغيب، وكان غوثًا كاملًا، فردًا جامعًا، أتى إلى مولانا عبد السلام بن مَشيش لمَّا وقعَ له الجذب، وهو ابن سبع سنين، فدخلَ عليه، وهو عليه سيما أهل الله، فقال له: أنا شيخك. وأخبره عن أموره وأحواله ومقاماته مقامًا مقامْ، وقال له: أنا واسطتك في كلِّ حالٍ ومقام.
وقد سُئل بعد ذلك سيدي عبدُ السلام: هل كنت تأتيه أو يأتيك؟ قال: كلُّ ذلك كان. قيل له: طيًّا أو نشرًا؟ فقال: طيًّا.