Bio: Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi | الشيخ السيد إبراهيم اليعقوبي

Bio: Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi

Sayyidi Shaykh Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi al-Hasani al-Idrisi

الشيخ السيد إبراهيم اليعقوبي الحسني
d. 1406 H. / 1985 CE in Damascus
qaddasa Allah sirrahu


What Ulama said

What the `ulama said about Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Extracted from:
Biography written by `Ali ibn Muhamad Amin Qasibati at Ma`had al-Fath, 2004

His teacher Sheikh Muhammad `Arabi al-`Azuzi, Chief of Fatwa in Libanon, used to write letters to him, in which he addressed him wordings such as:

“My dear son, the erudite scholar, the distinguished man of learning, culture and refinement, the sufi, the blessing, who mentiones (at all times the name of Allah), the Sharif, my Master Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi” etc.


“I long to see your lights, and listen to your speach, which shows your perfect knowledge and attachment to your Lord.”

Sheikh Muhammad al-Hashimi referred to him in his ijaza to him as:

“Our liege-lord, the teacher, the erudite scholar, the Knower of Allah ta`ala, the God-fearing, my Master Ibrahim, son of my Master Ismaíl al-Ya`qubi, who is teaching in the Darwish Pasha mosque” etc.
[These letters  where written when Sheikh Ibrahim was in his mid-thirties.]

His teacher Sheikh Abul Yusr `Abidin said:

“There is none like Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi  in the sciences of Arabic langaguage and Usul.” (i.e. `aqida).

Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhab al-Hafizh (known as “Dibs wa Zayt”, and “The younger Abu Hanifa”) said about him:

“If you want to ask about a ruling in the Hanafi madhhab, and you don’t find me, then ask. Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi.”

Sheikh Adib al-Kilas said about him:

“The like of Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi is someone who goes around the jewel traders of the country, and takes from each trader the most beautiful piece he has, until he has collected the most precious ones.”

Sheikh Ahmad Samadiyya said about him:

“The knowledge of Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi is many times more than his age.”

Sheikh al-Fatih al-Kettani said about him:

“In every science, Sheikh Ibrahim was more knowledgeable than its people.”

Sheikh Sabhi al-`Aduli said about him:

“Sheikh Ibrahim has reached the level of Imam al-Suyuti in knowledge. He has mastered forty-eight (branches of) knowledge, as did al-Suyuti.”
[Note: Similar statements have been made by other shuyukh. Sayyidi Sheikh Muhammad al-Ya`qubi commented on this statement as follows: Few scholars excel in various subjects, like Imam Abu Hanifa. Scholars described Sheikh Ibrahim as one who excelled in various subjects, and he was the last to do so after Imam al-Suyuti. [1]

Sheikh `Abd al-Wakil al-Jakhdar said about him:

“He was the authority that most `ulema turned towards, and none of his colleagues reached his level.”

[1] – Ref: bmk notes on Qawa`id al-tasawwuf, Damascus 2005





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