Bio: Sh. Ismail al-Yaqoubi
Sayyidi Shaykh Ismail al-Yaqoubi al-Hasani al-Idrisi
الشيخ السيد إسماعيل اليعقوبي الحسني
d. 1380 H. / 1960 CE in Damascus
qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Burial place

He is buried in Maqbara Bab Saghir, 50 meters south of the pavillon of Sayyida Fatima Sughra – may Allha be pleased with him.
Love's Pilgrim (Qasida)
Love’s Pilgrim
By Shaykh Mudassir Hussain
A song in honour of the sublime spiritual Axis (Qutb) and Knower of Allah Most High, Sayyid Ismail Al Yaqoubi Al Hassani, the grandfather of Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi:
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Loved by The Prophet (s)
Revived the Sunnah
Coolness of our eyes
Shade of the Ummah
Jewel amongst the Folk
Gem amongst the Men
Warrior of his age
Rank beyond our ken
No hand above his
Said Ahmad Harun
Damascus danced to
This Ya’qoubi tune
Mounted on a steed
What a sight to see
Look away or else
Tremble at the knee
Charging through the night
Armies could not catch
They tried to snare him
Their plots were no match
Oppresors beware
This land is not yours
The people of Shaam
Will sacrifice scores
Wandering Sufi
Spreading his Lord’s Name
Then chose seclusion
Rejecting all fame
O grandfather Shaykh
Sayyid Ismail (r)
Help prepare us for
Munkar and Nakir
Dec 30th 2016, 30th Rabi al Awwal 1438
Vocals: Abdul Qadoos, Abdul Mateen, Shehzad Hanif, Abdul Shakoor, Eisa Qayyum
Audio: Yaseen Arlow & Shamshad Hanif