Archives: Bios

Bio: Abu Ayyub al Ansari

Bio: Abu Ayyub al Ansari

Abu Ayyub al Ansari

أبو أيوب الأنصاري
d.54 H. (674 CE) in Constantinopel (Istanbul)
Sahabi - radiya Allah anhu


Bio: Abu Shayba al Khudri

Bio: Abu Shayba al Khudri

Abu Shayba al Khudri

أبو شيبة الخدري
d. 49 H. in Istanbul, Turkey (670 CE) sahabi
radiya Allah anhu


Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

الشيخ محمد بن حمزة ظافر المدني
b. 1244 in Tarablus, Misrata (Libya) – d. 1321 H. in Istanbul (1829 – 1903 CE)
qaddasa Allah sirrahu


Istanbul: Underground mosque

Istanbul: Underground mosque
Istanbul: Underground mosqueمسجد سيدنا عمرو بن العاص
Maqam of 'Amr ibn al-'As
radiya Allah 'anhum

Single map

Coordinates: 41.0224342,28.9766350 Visit Googlemaps

Area map

Coordinates: 41.0224342,28.9766350 Visit Googlemaps | Enlarge map in overlay

Distance to nearby places

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