Tagged: Imam al-Qushayri

Book | Qushayri: Risala

Book | Qushayri: Risala


By Imam Abul-Qasim Abdul Karim Hawazin al-Qushayri (d. 465 H.)
الرسالة للامام القشيري


In 893/1488, Zakariya al-Ansari, who had an ijaza, for teaching the Risala that went back to Abu’l-Mahasin ‘Abd al-Wahid ar-Ruyani, a pupil of al-Qushayri, wrote a commentary on difficult or obscure terms and passages of the Risala entitled Ahkam ad-Dalala ‘ala Tahrir ar-Risala. Al-Ansari’s work was greatly expanded in 1271/1854 by Mustafa Muhammad al-‘Arusi (an adherent of the Arusi branch of the Shadhili order) with his Nata’ij al-Afkar fi Bayan Ma’ani Sharh ar-Risala al-Qushayriya. Two other commentaries in Arabic remain in manuscript: Sadid ad-Din Abu Muhammad al-Lakhmi’s ad-Dalala ‘ala Fawa’id ar-Risala, completed in 638/1240, and one by the celebrated Herati scholar, Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari’ (d. 1014/1605). There is also a partial commentary in Persian by Sayyid Muhammad Gisudaraz (d. 825/1422), the well-known Indian Chishti; he criticizes al-Qushayri in several connections. (Gibril Haddad in his Bio on Imam al-Qushayri)


The Qushayri Risala is one of four indispensable works on the foundations of Sufism:
قوت القاوبب لأبي طالب المكي – Abu Talib al-Makki: Qut al-Qulub (a source of Al-Ghazali’s Ihya )
عوارف المعارف لالسهروردي – Al-Suhrawardi: ´Awarif al-Ma´arif
كتاب اللمع في التصوف لأبي نصر السراج الطوسي – Al-Tusi: Al-Luma´
الرسالة للامام القشيري – Qurshayri: Risala