Book | Yaqoubi: Naht al-Ilm – نحت العلم للشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

In this monumental work penned in Arabic, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi covers in great detail the principles and etiquette of seeking sacred knowledge. The first book of its kind, no other book in the Islamic literature has captured the etiquette of seeking knowledge to the detail and nuance of this book. The author also covers the principles of seeking knowledge, covering new methodologies and bringing together other sources in one unified text.
Sacred Knowledge 2016
ISBN: 1908224207 | 978-1908224200

Audio Sh. Asra
A series of classes by Sayyida Shaykha Asra Adiba, 2016-2017
Provisions for the Path of Seeking Knowledge:
What the seeker of knowledge needs throughout his life.
الفصل الثاني زاد الطريق
Etiquettes of Attending the Lesson – آداب حضور الدرس
Introduction and Overview : Track 1 – 0:00 – 8:45
Section 2: Etiquettes of Sitting in a Halaqah – المبحث الثاني : أدب الجلوس في الحلقة
The Etiquettes of Visiting the Shaykh and Accompanying Him
الفصل التاسع : آداب زيارة الشيخ ومرافقته
الفصل العاشر : آداب اللباس والزينة والمعيشة
Etiquettes with Books
Section 2:
Reverence of Books – المبحث الثاني : تعظيم الكتاب
Section 3:
Caring for Books – المبحث الثالث : الاعتناء بالكتاب
Etiquettes of Writing – الفصل الثاني عشر : في آداب الكتابة
Section 1:
Etiquettes of Copying Sacred Texts – المبحث الأول : آداب النسخ
About Shaykh Ibrahim – Track 6 – 50:22 – 56:53
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