Book | Ibn Sabbagh: Durrat al-asrar – درة الأسرار وتحفة الأبرار لابن الصباغ

Book | Ibn Sabbagh: Durrat al-asrar – درة الأسرار وتحفة الأبرار لابن الصباغ

Ibn Sabbagh: Durrat al-asrar

The Pearl of Secrets and the Treasures of the Righteous
By Ibn Sabbagh

ابن الصباغ : درة الأسرار وتحفة الأبرار في أقوال وأفعال وأحوال ومقامات ونسب وكرامات وأذكار ودعوات سيدي أبو الحسن الشاذلي

Documenting Sayings and Doings, States and Stations, Miracles and Prayers of Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili

Arabic: Maktaba Misriyya lil-Turath
English transl. Elmer H. Douglas as "The Mystical Teachings of al-Shadhili"
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Contents: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Excerpts: page 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27-28
See also Bio of Imam Abul Hasan alShadhili

About the Author

About the author and his sources

The author, Ibn al-Sabbagh, was writing a little more than six decades after the death of Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili. He received his information from the master’s disciples in Tunisia and Egypt, and from their companions and disciples. In his endeavor to record narrations of sayings and supplications of Imam Abul Hasan, he made efforts to meet anyone who might be acquainted with them. He says:

“Some I received directly in Tunis from the righteous Shaykh Abu ale`Azai’m Abu Madi ibn Sultan, pupil and servant of Abu al-Hasan. Some of them I secured in the eastern lands, of Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad, called Sharaf al-Din, son of Yaqut al-Habashi. Some of them I received from still other devotees of the Sufi Path of our shaykh and from companions of his companions from among the people of the East and the West, until – ”

there was brought together in my possession material the hearing of which is a source of delight, and the collection of which is something rare.


About the book

He continues: “I have divided it into five chapters. Contents: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

  • Chapter 1 concerns his noble lineage, his origin, his receiving instruction in the Way and authority from his teacher, his travels from the Maghrib (Morocco) to the Province of Ifriqiya (Tunis) and to the land of the East (Egypt), and his attainment there to the rank of Khalifa and Qutb. Read page 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27-28
  • Chapter 2 concerns his correspondence with his disciples in the Province of Ifriqiya.
  • Chapter 3 contains an account of his supplications (da´awat), his devotional recitations (adhkar), and his prayers or orientation (tawajjuhat).
  • Chapter 4 treats his opinions, his teaching on sufism and the inner reality (haqiqa) of the faith, and his injunctions upon his companions.
  • Chapter 5 speaks of his death and his prior appointment of my master Abu al-`Abbas al-Mursi as his successor, of whom I shall recall some splendid anecdotes. Read Excerpt
    I have entitled the work Durrat al-asrar wa tuhfat al-abrar [The Pearl of Mysteries and the Treasure of the Righteous], concerning the states and stations, extraordinary powers and divine gifts, supplications and devotional recitations that have been attributed to our master, the shaykh, the saint, the gnostic, the one with true knowledge, the trustworthy, the Qutb, the Ghawth, Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali, in order that its appellation may be in accord with the work indicated by the name and conformable to its significance.

    From God, I hope for approval and the attainment of the object of my expectations, because He is the preserver from error in narration and the One who brings felicity by His help in lucidity of expression. There is no Lord at all other then He, and no good except His. ”

    Detailed content (from of the English edition on amazon)

    Editor’s Introduction
    Author’s Introduction to the Pearl of Mysteries and the Treasure of the Righteous

    1. His Noble Lineage, Travels, and Rank
    Testimony of Ibn Futuh: Alchemy, and Divine Protection
    Story of the Woodcutter
    Al-Habibi, First Companion
    Testimony of al-Ibri: Mount Zaghawan, Birds, and the Spring
    Intervention of Ibn al-Bara’ and Abu Zakariya
    Narration of Madi
    Testimony of Abu ‘Abd Allah, the Copyist
    ‘Izz al-Din and the Pilgrimage
    The Shaykh Watches over Madi
    Madi and al-Shadhili Visit the Tomb of the Prophet
    Testimony of Jamal al-Din: Worship and Works
    Drunkenness of the Shaykh’s Son
    Shihab al-Din before the Shaykh
    Testimony about ‘Arifat al-Khayr
    The Shaykh Settles a Dispute with Berbers
    Argument with a Group of M’utazila
    True Asceticism
    A Litigation
    Miraculous Multiplication of Sheep and Grain

    2. Correspondence with His Companions
    Letter of Consolation to a Disciple in Quyrawan
    Letter to Followers in Tunis
    Exhortation to Certain Judges
    Letter to ‘Ali Ibn Makhluf

    3. Supplication, Devotional Recitations, and Prayers of Confrontations
    The Noble Litany and the Mighty Veil (Hijab), or the Great Litany
    Blessed Supplication Known as the Litany of the Sea
    Litany of Light
    An Anecdote
    A Devotional Recitation (Dhikr)
    A Devotional Recitation: Prayer for Happiness
    A Devotional Recitation: The Veiling
    A Devotional Recitation: Divine Grace
    A Devotional Recitation: God’s Love All-Sufficient
    A Devotional Recitation: Contemptibility and Respectability
    A Devotional Recitation: On Hearing the Call to Prayer
    A Devotional Recitation: The Worship
    A Dhikr to Dispel Depression
    A Devotional Recitation: God the Living and Sole Provider
    A Devotional Recitation: Thanksgiving for Benefaction
    In Praise of the Maker
    A Prayer before the Prophet’s Tomb
    A Prayer for Forgiveness
    An Invocation: The Great Name
    A Devotional Recitation: Inner Sight and Providence
    A Devotional Recitation: Granting of Requests
    A Devotional Recitation: Compassion

    4. His Opinions, Injunctions, Doctrine on Sufism, and Other Sciences
    Rule of the Religious Retreat (‘Uzla)
    Help-Procuring Sayings on Entering the Religious Retreat
    Section on Overcoming Satan
    Perils of the Religious Retreat
    Fruits of the Religious Retreat
    On Sainthood
    Contraction (Qabd) and Expansion (Bast)
    Loss and Gain
    The Will
    Religious Science
    The Elect
    The Way
    Recitation and a Prayer
    Miscellaneous Instructions
    Chapter in Love
    Scrupulous Peity
    One of His Devotional Recitations (Adhkar)
    Verses of the Shaykh, Saint and Mystic Abu al-‘Abbas al-Mursi
    My Observation of His Salutation on the Apostle of God
    One of His Devotional Recitations
    A Devotional Recitation
    A Devotional Recitation
    A Saying
    Verses of al-Mazduri
    Sayings and Anecdotes
    A Daily Dhikr
    A Dhikr of the Heart
    Spiritual Communion
    Miscellaneous Teachings
    Section on the Commonality and the Elect
    Display of Knowledge
    Good Breeding
    Love for God
    Sin and Pardon
    A Remedy
    Worldly Goods
    Religious Acts
    Sure Pardon
    A Request
    A Petition
    Divine Management
    Final Injunction
    Qualities of the Sincere

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