Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

الشيخ محمد بن حمزة ظافر المدني
b. 1244 in Tarablus, Misrata (Libya) – d. 1321 H. in Istanbul (1829 – 1903 CE)
qaddasa Allah sirrahu


Sayyidi Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir
b. 1244 in Misrata – d. 1321 H. in Istanbul (1829 – 1903 CE)

He is the son of Sayyiduna Shaykh Muhammad bin Hamza Zhafir who was the khalifa of Sayyiduna Shaykh al-Arabi al-Dirqawi. He has taken the tariqa from his father, and become his khalifa in the Dirqawi-Madani branch.

His brother Shaykh Hamza Zhafir was invited to Istanbul by one of the pasha of Sultan Abdulhamid, and Sultan Abdulhamid’s mother Partawniyal Walida Sultan wanted to take wird from him. Upon this, he said: “My brother Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir a perfected murshid, if you allow i would bring him” then Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir was invited to Istanbul.

His father Sayyiduna Shaykh Muhammad bin Zhafir said to the people of Trablus about his son: “Benefit from him, before the sultans take him!”

The Shadhili Tekke in Istanbul established under Sultan Abdul Hamid II
Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir (d. 1321 H. / 1903 CE ), son of Shaykh Muhammad Hamza Zhafir al-Madani (who was khalifa of the great Shadhili reviver Imam ’Arabi Al-Dirqawi) was invited to Istanbul by Sultan ’Abdul Hamid II. The Sultan became the murid of Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir, and accompanied him for thirty years, until the passing of the latter. – He established Shadhili gatherings of dhikr in the newly commissioned Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque which is included in the estate of the Yıldız Palace where Sultan Abdul Hamid II is resident. On Thursday evenings, the Sultan would accompany his Shaykh and recite the dhikr. In 1888, Sultan ’Abdul Hamid Han established a separate zawiya for the Shadhili tariqa in Istanbul, which he commissioned as part of the Ertuğrul Tekke Mosque. The relationship between the Sultan and his Shaykh lasted for thirty years. – Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir passed away in 1903 / 1321 H. in İstanbul, and is buried in the Shadhili Tekke.






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