Category: Yaqoubi Poetry

Nisf Sha’ban – نصف شعبان

Nisf Sha'ban - نصف شعبان
Nisf Sha'ban - The Middle of ShabanWith Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Du’a of Mid Sha’ban by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
Poems about Mid Sha’ban by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Event | Sh. Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi: UK Tour 2017

Event | Sh. Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi: UK Tour 2017

Al-Shamail al-Muhammadiyya – The description of the Prophet Muhammad (s) – By Aby ‘Asa Muhammad ibn ‘Isa al-Tirmdhi – الشمائل المحمدية للإمام أبو عيسى محمد بن عيسى السلمي الضرير البوغي الترمذي‎
