Category: Poetry

Calligraphy | He ﷺ is a Ruby amongst stones

Calligraphy | He ﷺ is a Ruby amongst stones

Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is a man, but not like other men He is like a ruby amongst common stones


Ziyara | Moulay Ibn Mashish 2018 – The Spring of Purity

Ziyara | Moulay Ibn Mashish 2018 - The Spring of Purity

Ziyara | Moulay Ibn Mashish 2018 - The Spring of Purity

With His Eminence Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
Ziyara to the Shrine of Moulay Abdus-Salam Ibn Mashish
September 15-16, 2018 / 1440 H.

مولي عبد السلام ابن مشيش

Dikt: Amina väntar ett barn…

Dikt: Amina väntar ett barn...

En dikt om Profeten Muhammads ﷺ liv

Allah's välsignelser och fred vare med honom
av Ann-Catrin Nilsson

Denna dikt av Ann-Catrin Nilsson, tillägnad Profeten Muhammad (Allah’s välsignelser och fred vare med honom) kan med rätta kallas för vår första svenska “Mawlid”. ...

Hadith: In Poetry is wisdom

Ibn Asakir relates, in his history of Damascus, that a person said to Jamil: “If you read the Qoran, it would be more profitable for you than composing poetry;” to which Jamil replied: “There is Anas Ibn Malik who tells me that the Blessed ...