Archives: Books
Ayat al-Shifa – آيات الشفاء
Ayat al-Shifa
Verses of healing from the Noble Quran
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Ayat of Ramadan
“When My servants ask you about Me…” ﴾ وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب ﴿
Verses on Ramadan from the Noble Quran (more…)
Bio: Imam Al-Suyuti | الإمام جلال الدين السيوطي
Imam al-Suyuti
الإمام الحافظ عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر بن محمد جلال الدين السيوطيb. 849 in Cairo - d. 911 H. in Cairo
Bio: Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi
Sayyidi Shaykh Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi al-Hasani al-Idrisi
الشيخ السيد إبراهيم اليعقوبي الحسني
d. 1406 H. / 1985 CE in Damascus
qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Tab links: Bio | What Ulama said about him | Works | Miracles | عربي | Photos | Burial Place | Ref’s
Book | Ibn ‘Ata Allah: Lataif al-Minan – ابن عطاء الله: لطائف المنن
Book | Ibn 'Ata Allah: Lataif al-Minan
The Subtle Blessings in the Saintly Lives of Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi and His Master Abu al-Hasan al-ShadhiliBy Ibn 'Ata Allah al-Sakandari ⇒
لطائف المنن في مناقب الشيخ أبي العباس وشيخه أبي الحسن للإمام ابن عطاء الله السكندري
Turkish transl: "İbn-i Ataullah el-İskenderi: Allah'ın İki Veli Kulu"
Published by Üsküdar Yayınevi, 2011
English transl. by Nancy Roberts French transl. by Eric Geoffroy: "La sagesse des maîtres soufis", Grasset 1998
Qasida | Nahnu al-fuqara – نشيد الصوفية | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
"The Sufi Anthem": We are fuqara
By Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi ⇒نحن الفقراء - نشيد الصوفية للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي
Textkit | Alexandria
Tab links:
ALEXANDRIA – View original page
The Virtues of Dhikr | Reminders by Sayyida Aisha al-Yaqoubi
The Virtues of Dhikr
Advice by Sayyida Aisha al-YaqoubiGiven during the Ziyara to Moulay Ábdus Salam Ibn Mashish 2018