Archives: Qasidas

Book | Attar: Tadhkirat al-Awlia

Book | Attar: Tadhkirat al-Awlia

Tadhkirat al-Awlia

Biographies of early Sufis
by Farid al-Din al ’Attar
Original language: Persian

Book | Hujwiri: Kashf al-Mahjub

Book | Hujwiri: Kashf al-Mahjub

Kashf al-Mahjub – An early Persian treatise on Sufism

by Ali al-Hujwiri
English: transl. by Nicholson | A.Javed
Urdu: translation (21MB) | Fazluddin-Gohar (69MB)
More translations and editions: see (more…)

Book | Ibn ‘Ata Allah: Kitab al-Tanwir

Book | Ibn 'Ata Allah: Kitab al-Tanwir

Kitab al-Tanwir fi isqat al-tadbir

The Book of Enlightenment on Dropping Self-Management
By Sh. Ibn 'Ata Allah al-Sakandary
ابن عطاء السكندري : كتلب التنوير في إسقات التدبير


المكتبة الأزهرية 2007
Transl. as "Tevekkül'ün İncelikleri / Tedbiri Terk Etmenin Esasları"
Urdu translation by Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Recommended translation: "Illuminating Guidance on dropping Self-Direction" by Ibrahim Hakim (Noon 2011)
For sale on:
View Summary | Scanned pages | PDF
Alternative translation from nmusa PDF | amazon Original edition from Noon 2011: ISBN 0615309895, 9780615309897. Variant edition from Facsimile Publisher (2015) - for sale on amazon. See also online PDF
Sobre el abandono de sí mismo - trad Juan José González
More : Editions world-wide: Worldcat. Indonesian translation available. 


Presentation of the book from

One cannot overestimate the value of Imam Ibn ‘Ata’Illah, may Allah be pleased with him, in preserving the teachings of the Shadhdhuliyyah, since he was the first to write them down. Both Imam Abu’l-Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli and his successor Imam Abu’l ‘Abbas al-Mursi, may Allah be pleased with them, never wrote any books on the Path. When asked why, Abu’l-Hasan replied, “My companions are my books.” Be that as it may, the teachings would not have survived down to this day as they have if Allah had not inspired Ibn ‘Ata’Illah to put them into written form.

One of the main reasons why this specific book is so fundamental is that it deals with a cardinal doctrine of the Shadhdhuli teaching, namely, the ceasing of self-direction and management in favour of choosing the management and direction of Allah (isqat at-tadbir). A major subject, to which actually half the book is devoted, is rizq, or provision and daily sustenance.

Ibn ‘Ata’Illah deals with the proper approach to acquiring one’s daily provision, the proper manners of withholding it and spending it, and most importantly, how and why one should not waste one’s energy in anxiety over it. In this respect, the Way of the Shadhdhuliyyah, unlike some of the other ways of Sufism, does not call for a life of begging and mendicancy, but rather teaches its adherents to live a life of intense contemplation in the midst of the worldly means of livelihood. In other words, ‘being in the world but not of the world.’ And the importance of this book can also be seen in the method it teaches the reader of how to apply this advice.


Table of Contents Download

—Chapter [1]. Submission and Abandoning Tadbir,
—Chapter [2]. Complete and Total Submission,
—Chapter [3]. The Stations of Certainty (Yaqin),
—Chapter [4]. The Means of Abandoning Tadbir with Allah Almighty,
—Chapter [5]. The Abandonment of Tadbir is the Noblest of the Divine Miraculous Gifts (karamat),
—Chapter [6]. The Submission of the ‘Face’ to Allah Almighty,
—Chapter [7]. The Types of Tadbir,
—Chapter [8]. The Divested of Means (mutajarrid) & the One of Means (mutasabbib),
—Chapter [9]. The Secret Purpose in the Creation of Tadbir,
—Chapter [10]. Tadbir in the Daily Provision (rizq),
—Chapter [11]. The Intended Desire of Allah Almighty in Creating Jinn and Man,
—Chapter [12]. The Gurantee of Sustenance by Allah Almighty for His Servants,
—Chapter [13]. The Coupling of Creation (khalq) and Sustenance (rizq),
—Chapter [14]. The Obligation to Command the Family to Salat,
—Chapter [15]. How Allah Almighty takes Responsibility fort Providing Sustenance,
—Chapter [16]. The State and Nature of Rizq,
—Chapter [17]. The Wisdom in Taking a Means of Livelihood (asbab),
—Chapter [18]. Reliance on Allah Almighty and the Taking of Means,
—Chapter [19]. The Explanation of the Litany of Shaykh Abu’l Abbas,
—Chapter [20]. The Harm of Tadbir with Allah Most High,
—Chapter [21]. Utterances of ther Realities.
—Concluding Supplication (du’aa),

Book | Qadi ‘Iyad: Al-Shifa

Book | Qadi 'Iyad: Al-Shifa

Kitab al-Shifa fi al-Ta'rifi bi Huquqi al-Mustafa

The Book of Healing - Knowing the Rights of the Elect Prophet of Allah ﷺ
By Abul Fadl Qadi ´Iyad ibn Musa al-Yahsubi
كتاب الشفاء في التعريف بحقوق المصطفى - للقاضي عياض بن موسى اليحصبي


Book | Qushayri: Risala

Book | Qushayri: Risala


By Imam Abul-Qasim Abdul Karim Hawazin al-Qushayri (d. 465 H.)
الرسالة للامام القشيري


In 893/1488, Zakariya al-Ansari, who had an ijaza, for teaching the Risala that went back to Abu’l-Mahasin ‘Abd al-Wahid ar-Ruyani, a pupil of al-Qushayri, wrote a commentary on difficult or obscure terms and passages of the Risala entitled Ahkam ad-Dalala ‘ala Tahrir ar-Risala. Al-Ansari’s work was greatly expanded in 1271/1854 by Mustafa Muhammad al-‘Arusi (an adherent of the Arusi branch of the Shadhili order) with his Nata’ij al-Afkar fi Bayan Ma’ani Sharh ar-Risala al-Qushayriya. Two other commentaries in Arabic remain in manuscript: Sadid ad-Din Abu Muhammad al-Lakhmi’s ad-Dalala ‘ala Fawa’id ar-Risala, completed in 638/1240, and one by the celebrated Herati scholar, Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari’ (d. 1014/1605). There is also a partial commentary in Persian by Sayyid Muhammad Gisudaraz (d. 825/1422), the well-known Indian Chishti; he criticizes al-Qushayri in several connections. (Gibril Haddad in his Bio on Imam al-Qushayri)


The Qushayri Risala is one of four indispensable works on the foundations of Sufism:
قوت القاوبب لأبي طالب المكي – Abu Talib al-Makki: Qut al-Qulub (a source of Al-Ghazali’s Ihya )
عوارف المعارف لالسهروردي – Al-Suhrawardi: ´Awarif al-Ma´arif
كتاب اللمع في التصوف لأبي نصر السراج الطوسي – Al-Tusi: Al-Luma´
الرسالة للامام القشيري – Qurshayri: Risala

Book | Sha’rani: Tanbih – تنبيه المغترين للإمام الشعراني

Book | Sha'rani: Tanbih - تنبيه المغترين للإمام الشعراني

Sha’rani: Tanbih Al-Mughtarrin - On how Sufism changed

On how Sufism changed
By Imam Abul Mawahib ´Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha´rani
الإمام أبو المواهب عبد الوهاب الشعراني : تنبيه المغترين اوائل القرن العاشر علي ما خالفوا فيه سلفهم الطاهر

Sharani Shaarani Mughtarin

Arabic: Maktaba Tawfiqiyya
Transl. to Urdu as "Ahwal Us Sadiqeen" (32MB)
Transl. by Mufti Muhammad Siddiq Hazarwi, Maktabah-e-Darbar-e-Aa'la Hadrat. For sale at MadaniPropagation

Book | Sha’rani: Yawaqit wa Jawahir – اليواقيت و الجواهر للإمام الشعراني

Book | Sha'rani: Yawaqit wa Jawahir - اليواقيت و الجواهر للإمام الشعراني

Sha'rani: Al-Yawaqit wal-Jawahir

Defending the ´Aqida of Al-Shaykh al-Akbar
By Imam Abul Mawahib ´Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha´rani
الإمام أبو المواهب عبد الوهاب الشعراني : اليواقيت و الجواهر في بيان عقائد الأكابر

Sharani Shaarani

Arabic: Ihya al-Turath al-´Arabi
Urdu transl. by Sayyad Muhammad Mahfuz ul-Haq al-Chishti
Nooriyya Rizawiyya Publishers. For sale at MadaniPropgaation

Book | Suhrawardi: ‘Awarif al-Ma’arif

Book | Suhrawardi: 'Awarif al-Ma'arif

´Awarif al-Ma'arif - On gnosis

By Imam Shihab al-Din 'Umar al-Suhrawardi (d. 632 H.)
الإمام شهاب الدين عمر السهروردي : عوارف المعارف

Awarif Awaarif Ul Maarif العوارف

Part 2: السهروردي : عوارف المعارف ـ الجزء الثاني
Urdu translation (95 MB)
For more in Urdu see |
English transl. by H.W. Clarke
More : Sindhi translation: [1], [2] 

Book | Suyuti: Tarikh al-Khulafa – تاريخ الخلفاء للإمام السيوطي

Book | Suyuti: Tarikh al-Khulafa - تاريخ الخلفاء للإمام السيوطي

Suyuti: Tarikh al-Khulafa - History Of The Khalifas

By Imam Jalalud-Din al-Suyuti
تاريخ الخلفاء للإمام الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي

Arabic (Dar Ibn Hazm)
Other editions: Text as PDF | manuscript
Urdu translation
English transl. by AbdusSamad Clark
"History of the Khalifahs who took the right way" - Partial translation (Taha 1995)
Alernative translation: H.S. Jarret, Calcutta University 1881

Book | Tirmidhi: Shamail – الشمائل المحمدية للإمام الترمذي

Book | Tirmidhi: Shamail - الشمائل المحمدية للإمام الترمذي

Imam al-Tirmidhi: Shamail - الإمام الترمذي : الشمائل المحمدية

Al-Shamail al-Muhammadiyya - The description of the Prophet Muhammad (s)
By Abu 'Isa Muhammad ibn 'Isa al-Tirmdhi
الشمائل المحمدية للإمام أبو عيسى محمد بن عيسى السلمي الضرير البوغي الترمذي‎
Recommeded edition: Dar al-Gharb 2000


الإمام الترمذي : الشمائل المحمدية - دارالكتب الغرب
Editions: Dar al-Gharb - pdf | Dar al-Kutub - pdf | More on
Sharh: Bajuri: Al-Mawahib al-Laduniyyah - pdf
Turkish Edition
Urdu: Recommended translation w/ Sharh by Sh. Ameer Gillani (245MB)
Other Urdu translations:
Arabic/Urdu (transl: Allama Muhammad Siddiq Hazarwi) pdf, high resolution
Arabic/Urdu w/ sharh (Zakariyya Khadhelwi) pdf
English Translations:
Transl. Muhammad Danyal: Compendium of Prophetic Beauty
Transl. Zakariyya Khandhelwi pdf | Arabic/English Online
Utvalda hadither (
"So war der Prophet" Abe al-Hafidh Wentzel (Auszug)
More : Al-Shamail Chapter 1. Explained by His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi Playlist:






(الشمائل النبويّة)

Tirmizî’nin (ö. 279/892) Resûl-i Ekrem’in şemâiline dair eseri.

Tam adı eş-Şemâilü’n-nebeviyye ve’l-hasailü’l-Muśtafaviyye olup şemâil konusunda yapılan ilk çalışmadır ve elli altı başlık altında 424 (bazı neşirlerde 394, 395) hadisten meydana gelmektedir. Bu başlıklarda Resûlullah’ın dış görünüşü, kıyafeti, yemesi içmesi, konuşma şekli, ibadeti, ahlâkı, geçim tarzı ve ölümü ele alınmıştır. Eser tertip ve muhteva bakımından şemâil konusunda yazılan eserlerin en mükemmeli kabul edilmiştir. Tirmizî bu eserine el-Câmiu’ś-śaĥîĥ’inde yer alan şemâille ilgili hadislerin birçoğunu aynen, bir kısmını ihtisar ederek almış, râviler hakkındaki tenkitlerini bazan hiç değiştirmeden, bazan kısaltıp nakletmiştir. eş-Şemâilü’n-nebeviyye’deki hadislerin büyük çoğunluğu sahih, önemli bir kısmı hasen, pek azı zayıf rivayetlerdir. Müellif bazı hadislerden elde edilebilecek fıkhî meselelere de işaret etmiştir. Çeşitli kütüphanelerde pek çok nüshası bulunan eser (Sezgin, I/1, s. 304) Kalküta’da (1252, 1262, 1273), Delhi’de (1303), Leknev’de (1288), Lahor’da (1309), İstanbul’da (1264, 1285), Kahire’de (1273, taşbaskı, 1309, 1375, son iki baskı Bâcûrî’nin eş-Şemâilü’n-nebeviyye üzerine yazdığı el-Mevâhibü’l-ledünniyye adlı hâşiyesinin kenarında, nşr. Tâhâ Abdürraûf Sa‘d, 1988), Bulak’ta (1280, 1290), Fas’ta (1310) ve Humus’ta (nşr. İzzet Ubeyd ed-De‘âs, 1388/1968, Beyrut 1406/1985; nşr. Abdullah eş-Şa‘âr, 1992) yayımlanmıştır.

Books of Imam al-Sha’rani | كتب الأمام الشعراني

Books of Imam al-Sha'rani | كتب الأمام الشعراني

Writings of Imam al-Sha´rani

List of books by
Sh. Abul Mawahib Sharaf al-Din 'Abd al-Wahhab 'Ali al-Sha'rani
كتب الإمام أبو المواهب شرف الدين عبد الوهاب علي الشعراني


Hadith al-Hilya

Hadith al-Hilya

Hadith: al-Hilya

In Shamail al-Tirmidhi and Qadi 'Iyad's Shifa
In Shamail al-Tirmidhi and Qadi 'Iyad's Shifa


Qasida | Imam al-Busiri: Burda – قصيدة البردة للإمام البوصيري

Qasida | Imam al-Busiri: Burda - قصيدة البردة للإمام البوصيري

Qasida | Burda by Imam al-Busiri

Al-Kawakib al-Durriyya fi madhi Khayril-Bariyya
The Celestial Lights in Praise of the Best of Creation - known as "The Poem of the Mantle"
By Imam Sharaf a-Din Muhammad b. Saʿīd al-Busiri
الكواكب الدرية في مدح خير البرية : قصيدة البردة للإمام البوصيري
