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Bio: Abu Ayyub al Ansari

Abu Ayyub al Ansari
أبو أيوب الأنصاريd.54 H. (674 CE) in Constantinopel (Istanbul)
Sahabi - radiya Allah anhu
Bio: Abu Shayba al Khudri

Abu Shayba al Khudri
أبو شيبة الخدري
d. 49 H. in Istanbul, Turkey (670 CE) sahabi
radiya Allah anhu
Bio: Imam al-Jazuli

Imam Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Jazuli al-Hasani al-Shadhili
الإمام أبو عبد الله محمد الجزولي السملالي الحسني الشاذليd.869/870/873 H. in Marrakash
qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Bio: Moulay ‘Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish

Sayyidi Moulay `Abd al-Salam Ibn Mashish al-Hasani al-Idirisi
القطب المُنير سيدي عبد السلام بن مشيش
d. 622 H. Jabal ‘Alam near Tetuan
qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Bio: Salman al-Farisi

Salman al-Farisi
d. 33/35 H. in Madina Munawwara
radiya Allah anhu
Hadith from Shamail
2. From naqshbandi.org
View on sunnah.org
This is a story of a seeker of Truth, the story of Salman the Persian, gleaned, to begin with, from his own words:
I grew up in the town of Isfahan in Persia in the village of Jayyan. My father was the Dihqan or chief of the village. He was the richest person there and had the biggest house.
Since I was a child my father loved me, more than he loved any other. As time went by his love for me became so strong and overpowering that he feared to lose me or have anything happen to me. So he kept me at home, a veritable prisoner, in the same way that young girls were kept.
I became devoted to the Magian religion so much so that I attained the position of custodian of the fire which we worshipped. My duty was to see that the flames of the fire remained burning and that it did not go out for a single hour, day or night.
My father had a vast estate which yielded an abundant supply of crops. He himself looked after the estate and the harvest. One day he was very busy with his duties as dihqan in the village and he said to me:
“My son, as you see, I am too busy to go out to the estate now. Go and look after matters there for me today.”
On my way to the estate, I passed a Christian church and the voices at prayer attracted my attention. I did not know anything about Christianity or about the followers of any other religion throughout the time my father kept me in the house away from people. When I heard the voices of the Christians I entered the church to see what they were doing.
I was impressed by their manner of praying and felt drawn to their religion. “By God,” I said, “this is better than ours. I shall not leave them until the sun sets.”
I asked and was told that the Christian religion originated in AshSham (Greater Syria). I did not go to my father’s estate that day and at night, I returned home. My father met me and asked what I had done. I told him about my meeting with the Christians and how I was impressed by their religion. He was dismayed and said:
“My son, there is nothing good in that religion. Your religion and the religion of your forefathers is better.”
“No, their religion is better than ours,” I insisted.
My father became upset and afraid that I would leave our religion. So he kept me locked up in the house and put a chain on my feet. I managed however to send a message to the Christians asking them to inform me of any caravan going to Syria. Before long they got in touch with me and told me that a caravan was headed for Syria. I managed to unfetter myself and in disguise accompanied the caravan to Syria. There, I asked who was the leading person in the Christian religion and was directed to the bishop of the church. I went up to him and said:
“I want to become a Christian and would like to attach myself to your service, learn from you and pray with you.”
The bishop agreed and I entered the church in his service. I soon found out, however, that the man was corrupt. He would order his followers to give money in chanty while holding out the promise of blessings to them. When they gave anything to spend in the way oRGod however, he would hoard it for himself and not give anything to the poor or needy. In this way he amassed a vast quantity of gold. When the bishop died and the Christians gathered to bury him, I told them of his corrupt practices and, at their request, showed them where he kept their donations. When they saw the large jars filled with gold and silver they said.
“By God, we shall not bury him.” They nailed him on a cross and threw stones at him.
I continued in the service of the person who replaced him. The new bishop was an ascetic who longed for the Hereafter and engaged in worship day and night. I was greatly devoted to him and spent a long time in his company.
(After his death, Salman attached himself to various Christian religious figures, in Mosul, Nisibis and elsewhere. The last one had told him about the appearance of a Prophet in the land of the Arabs who would have a reputation for strict honesty, one who would accept a gift but would never consume charity (sadaqah) for himself. Salman continues his story.)
A group of Arab leaders from the Kalb tribe passed through Ammuriyah and I asked them to take me with them to the land of the Arabs in return for whatever money I had. They agreed and I paid them. When we reached Wadi al-Qura (a place between Madinah and Syria), they broke their agreement and sold me to a Jew. I worked as a servant for him but eventually he sold me to a nephew of his belonging to the tribe of Banu Qurayzah. This nephew took me with him to Yathrib, the city of palm groves, which is how th e Christian at Ammuriyah had described it.
At that time the Prophet was inviting his people in Makkah to Islam but I did not hear anything about him then because of the harsh duties which slavery imposed upon me.
When the Prophet reached Yathrib after his hijrah from Makkah, I was in fact at the top of a palm tree belonging to my master doing some work. My master was sitting under the tree. A nephew of his came up and said:
“May God declare war on the Aws and the Khazraj (the two main Arab tribes of Yathrib). By God, they are now gathering at Quba to meet a man who has today come from Makkah and who claims he is a Prophet.” I felt hot flushes as soon as I heard these words and I began to shiver so violently that I was afraid that I might fall on my master. I quickly got down from the tree and spoke to my master’s nephew. “What did you say? Repeat the news for me.”
My mastcr was very angry and gave me a terrible blow. “What does this matter to you? Go back to what you were doing,” he shouted.
That evening, I took some dates that I had gathered and went to the place where the Prophet had alighted. I went up to him and said:
“I have heard that you are a righteous man and that you have companions with you who are strangers and are in need. Here is something from me as sadaqah. I see that you are more deserving of it than others.”
The Prophet ordered his companions to eat but he himself did not eat of it.
I gathered some more dates and when the Prophet left Quba for Madinah I went to him and said: “I noticed that you did not eat of the sadaqah I gave. This however is a gift for you.” Of this gift of dates, both he and his companions ate.
The strict honesty of the Prophet was one of the characteristics that led Salman to believe in him and accept Islam.
Salman was released from slavery by the Prophet who paid his Jewish slave-owner a stipulated price and who himself planted an agreed number of date palms to secure his manumission. After accepting Islam, Salman would say when asked whose son he was:
“I am Salman, the son of Islam from the children of Adam.”
Salman was to play an important role in the struggles of the growing Muslim state. At the battle of Khandaq, he proved to be an innovator in military strategy. He suggested digging a ditch or khandaq around Madinah to keep the Quraysh army at bay. When Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Makkans, saw the ditch, he said, “This strategem has not been employed by the Arabs before.”
Salman became known as “Salman the Good”. He was a scholar who lived a rough and ascetic life. He had one cloak which he wore and on which he slept. He would not seek the shelter of a roof but stayed under a tree or against a wall. A man once said to him: “Shall I not build you a house in which to live?” “I have no need of a house,” he replied.
The man persisted and said, “I know the type of house that would suit you.” “Describe it to me,” said Salman.
“I shall build you a house which if you stand up in it, its roof will hurt your head and if you stretch your legs the wall will hurt them.”
Later, as a govenor of al-Mada’in (Ctesiphon) near Baghdad, Salman received a stipend of five thousand dirhams. This he would distribute as sadaqah. He lived from the work of his own hands. When some people came to Mada’in and saw him working in the palm groves, they said, “You are the amir here and your sustenance is guaranteed and you do this work!”
“I like to eat from the work of my own hands,” he replied. Salman however was not extreme in his asceticism. It is related that he once visited Abu ad-Dardaa with whom the Prophet had joined him in brotherhood. He found Abu adDardaa’s wife in a miserable state and he asked, “What is the matter with you.”
“Your brother has no need of anything in this world*” she replied.
When Abu ad-Dardaa came, he welcomed Salman and gave him food. Salman told him to eat but Abu adDardaa said, “I am fasting.”
“I swear to you that I shall not eat until you eat also.”
Salman spent the night there as well. During the night, Abu ad-Dardaa got up but Salman got hold of him and said:
“O Abu ad-Dardaa, your Lord has a right over you. Your family have a right over you and your body has a right over you. Give to each its due.”
In the morning, they prayed together and then went out to meet the Prophet, peace be upon him. The Prophet supported Salman in what he had said.
As a scholar, Salman was noted for his vast knowledge and wisdom. Ali said of him that he was like Luqman the Wise. And Ka’b al-Ahbar said: “Salman is stuffed with knowledge and wisdomÑan ocean that does not dry up.” Salman had a knowledge of both the Christian scriptures and the Qur’an in addition to his earlier knowledge of the Zoroastrian religion. Salman in fact translated parts of the Qur’an into Persian during the life-time of the Prophet. He was thus the first person to translate the Qur’an into a foreign language.
Salman, because of the influential household in which he grew up, might easily have been a major figure in the sprawling Persian Empire of his time. His search for truth however led him, even before the Prophet had appeared, to renounce a comfortable and affluent life and even to suffer the indignities of slavery. According to the most reliable account, he died in the year thirty five after the hijrah, during the caliphate of Uthman, at Ctesiphon. ↑
Burial Place & Location
Masjid Salman al-Farisi (Arabic: مسجد سلمان الفارسي) is part of a group of mosques known as al-Masajid al-Sab’a (Arabic: المساجد السبعة) or The Seven Mosques, located north-west of the Haram.
Map – Show on overview map
Bio: Sh. Muhammad al-Tayyib | الشيخ محمد الطيب

Sayyidi Sh. Muhammad al-Tayyib al-Hasani al-Idrisi
الشيخ السيد محمد الطيب الحسني
b. 1255 H. in Algeria – d. 1313 H. in Damascus
qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir (the son)
الشيخ محمد بن حمزة ظافر المدني
b. 1244 in Tarablus, Misrata (Libya) – d. 1321 H. in Istanbul (1829 – 1903 CE)
qaddasa Allah sirrahu
Bio: `Abd al-Malik b. Marwan

`Abd al-Malik b. Marwan
b. 25 H. in Madinah – d. 86/7 H. in Damascus
أبو الوليد عبد الملك بن مروان
radiya Allah anhu
Ibn Khaldun stated that
“`Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan is one of the greatest Arab and Muslim Caliphs. He followed in the footsteps of `Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Commander of the Believers, in regulating state affairs”.
He was a well-educated man and capable ruler who was able to solve many political problems. He ruled for 21 years, and extended and consolidated Muslim rule.
He spent the first half of his life with his father, Marwan bin Al-Hakam fourth Umayyad caliph, in Medina, where he received religious instruction and developed friendly relations with pious circles of that city that were to stand him in good stead in his later life. As caliph, he treated the scholars with respect, and his private life was close to their ideals. As a result, many were to abandon their earlier opposition to Umayyad rule.
‘Abd al-Malik became caliph after the death of his father Marwan I in 685. Within a few years, he dispatched armies, under Al-Ḥajjaj bin Yousef, on a campaign to reassert Umayyad control over the Islamic empire. In an attemtpt to oust ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr from Makka, Al-Hajjaj besieged the Holy City, and bombarded it with catapults. ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr was killed in the final fighting around the Ka’ba.
‘Abd al-Malik assiend Al-Ḥajjaj as governor of Iraq, where he quelled revolts consolidated Umawi rule, paving the way to further territorial expansion, from Anatolia to the far Maghrib.
For the first time, a special currency for the Muslim world was minted, which led to war with the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines were decisively defeated by `Abd al-al-Malik in Sevastopol, after the defection of a large contingent of Slavs. The Islamic currency was then made the only currency of exchange in the Muslim world.
Many other important changes took place under the rule of `Abd al-Al-Malik:
– He introduced reforms in agriculture and commerce.
– He made Arabic the state language. During his reign, all important records were translated into Arabic.
– He organised a regular postal service.
– He repaired the damaged Kaaba and began the tradition of weaving a silk cover for the Kaaba in Damascus.
He was the first in Islam to be called `Abd al-Malik [Ziarat al-Sham p. 33:f4]
To history, Abd al-Malik is known as the “Father of Kings”: his four sons succeeded him as the caliph one after another[18] though with Umar II, son of Abd al-Aziz succeeding Sulayman. Abd al-Malik died at al-Sinnabra in 705.[19]
Ref: ar.wikipedia.org
Burial Place
Damascus: Bab Saghir Cemetery

Damascus: Dar al-Hadith

Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyyah
On carpets where I incline and take refuge:
Perhaps I might touch with my very face
A spot touched by al-Nawawi’s foot.”
The first Dar al-Hadith was founded in Damascus by the Zengid ruler Nur al-Din (al-Malik al-`Adil Nur al-Din Mahmud ibn Zanki (r. 662-671 H). The Dar al-Sunna school (subsequenty renamed Dar al-Hadith) was built with the purpose of strengthening the sunni doctrine, a charge entrusted to Ibn `Asakir, the erudite hadith scholar and historian of Damascus. It was the first in its kind, later followed by similar institutes, such as the Dar al-Hadith al-Kamiliyyah in Cairo built in 728 H, where Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani tought.
The sandals of the Prophet (s)
One of the merchants in Damascus had the honor to keep the shoes of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Following his will, the shoes were moved to Dar al Hadith after his death, where they were kept in a wooden box located above the mihrab of its mosque, as a goal of seekers of barakah from near and far. The shoes were lost when Dar al-Hadith was burnt by the tatars during the siege of Damascus in the 8th hijri century.

Imâm Abû Hafs al-Fâkihânî (d. 734), a Maliki faqîh and hadith master, visited Damascus seeking the baraka of the the most honored Sandal of the Prophet (s), that was kept in a wooden box above the Mihrâb in the mosque of Dar al-Hadith. He bared his head and began to kiss it and rub his face over it. His tears flowed. He recited [1]:
‘Is it Layla and her relation you wish,
or the world and all it contains?’
He would reply: ‘Grime from the dust of her sandals
is dearer to my soul and more healing for its ills.

Restoring Dar al-Hadith
In the 13th century H., a Christian family resident in Damascus, who owned the house next to the Dar al-Hadith Madrasah, laid hands on the Western corner of the mosque and turned it into a wine storage. Sheikh Yusuf al-Hasani al-Maghribi (d. 1279) took the issue to the local land authorities, then to the Sultan of Istanbul – all in vain. He then wrote and complained about the situation to his friend al-Amir `Abdul Qadir al-Jaza’iri (d. 1300 H). When the Amir came to settle in Damascus in 1273 H., he purchased the building from the Christians, restored it and endowed it as a waqf under the supervision of Sheikh Yusuf and his descendants. The son of Sheikh Yusuf, Sheikh Badru al-Din al-Hasani grew up in this house, and spent his childhood studying in Dar al-Hadith.

Dar al-Hadith was burnt again in 1912 during the uprising against the French, and many of Sheikh Badru al-Din’s books and hand-writings were destroyed. The madrasa was rebuilt, however, the mosque pertaining to it is entirely destroyed except a portion of the qibla wall containing the mihrab, which is incorporated in a private residence.
Sheikh Taqi al-Din ibn al-Salah: (577-643 H)
Sheikh Imad al-Din al Harastani: (d. 662 H)
Sheikh Abu Shamah: (599-665 H)
Sheikh Imam Al Nawawi: (631-677 H)
Sheikh Zain al-Din al Fariki: (d. 703 H)
Sheikh Ibn al Wakeel: (665-716 H)
Sheikh Al Zamalkani: (666-726 H)
Sheikh Al Sharishi: (653-718 H)
Sheikh Al Mazzi: (654-742 H)
Sheikh Taqi Eddin Al Sibki: (683-756 H)
Sheikh Taj Aldeen Al Sibki: (Born 727-Died 771 H)
Sheikh Abu Alfidda Ismail: (Born 701- 774 H)
Sheikh Bahha Aldeen Alsubki: (707-777 H)
Sheikh Wali Aldeen Alsubki: (735-785 H)
Sheikh Zain Aldeen Alkorashi Almalahi: (724-792 H)
Sheikh Shams Aldeen Aldimashki: (777-842 H)
Sheikh Alaa Aldeen Alsayrafi: (778-844 H)
[1] GF Haddad: “Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyyah” pdf[2] http://www.daralhadith.com
[3] http://archnet.org/sites/3719
Tarikh `Ulama Dimashq
Damascus: Umawi Mosque

Burial place of the head of Prophet Yahya - `aleihi salam
Burial place of the head of Sayyiduna Husayn ibn Abi Talib radiya Allah `anhu
Coordinates: 33.5116920,36.3066521
Click to view the layout of the mosque
Egypt: Humaythira

Place of burial of Imam Abul Hasan al-ShadhiliPassing of Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili - From Durrat al-Asrar: View
Coordinates: 24.2007446,34.6356773
Ragab A. Hafiez Dec 2008 (googlemaps)
Ziad Sayed Sep 2015 (googlemaps)
Morocco: Zarhun – the city of Mawlay Idris

Zarhun – the city of Mawlay Idris I

Zarhun is the city of Mawlay Idris I (d. 157 H.). The Idrisis are scions of the Prophet (s) who settled in Morocco and nearby areas. They are from the progeny of Imam al-Hasan b. ‘Ali b. Abu Talib, may Allah have mercy on both of them.
From wiki:
Moulay Idriss Zerhoun (Arabic: مولاي إدريس) is a town in northern Morocco. It is spread over two hills at the base of Mount Zerhoun, the town of Moulay Idriss. It was here that Moulay Idriss I arrived in 789, bringing with him the religion of Islam, and starting a new dynasty. In addition to founding the town named after him, he also initiated construction of Fez, continued later by his son, Moulay Idriss II.
Just off the main square is the Mausoleum of Idriss I.
Also of note is the round minaret at another mosque in town, the only one in Morocco.
Syria, Nawa – Hometown of Imam al-Nawawi

Coordinates: 32.8879890,36.0381012
Ziyara | Moulay Ibn Mashish 2018 – The Spring of Purity

Ziyara | Moulay Ibn Mashish 2018 - The Spring of Purity
With His Eminence Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Al-YaqoubiZiyara to the Shrine of Moulay Abdus-Salam Ibn Mashish
September 15-16, 2018 / 1440 H.
مولي عبد السلام ابن مشيش