Bio: Sh. Ibn Abi Jamra | الشيخ عبد الله بن أبى جمرة

Bio: Sh. Ibn Abi Jamra | الشيخ عبد الله بن أبى جمرة

Sh. `Abd Allah Ibn Abi Jamra

الشيخ عبد الله بن سعد بن سعيد بن أبي جمرة الأزدي الأندلسي
d. 675 H. in Cairo
radiya Allah anhu

He is `Abd Allah ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Jamra al-Andalusi, whose lineage goes back to the great sahabi Sa`d bin `Ibada al-Ansari, may Allah ta’ala be pleased with him. He used to see the Prophet (s) in waking. His most famous book is Bahjat al-Nufus, an abridged commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari. He is buried in al-Qurafa in Cairo, near Sh. Ibn ‘Ata Allah al-Sakandari.


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He is `Abd Allah ibn Sa`d ibnAbi Jamra al-Andalusi, whose lineage goes back to the great sahabi Sa`d bin `Ibada al-Ansari, may Allah ta’ala be pleased with him. His kunya was Abu Muhammad.

Born in al-Andalus, he was raised in the Deen. He memorized the Quran at a young age, and became proficient in the hadith about the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllah `aleihi wa sallam). He often used to repeat the hadith:

“Who transmit to my umma a single hadith, thereby establishing the sunna or intending to call [people to Islam], will have Janna.”

He travelled around much until he settled in Egypt. His du’a was answered, and he used to see the Prophet (sall Allah `aleihi wa sallam) often while awake. When people heard about this, they disavowed him. After that he isolated himself in his home, until his death year 675 H.

He is buried in al-Qurafa in Cairo, near the maqam of Ibn `Ata Allah al-Sakandari.

In his book “Al-Mara’i al-Hisan”, he describes 70 visions of the Prophet (sallAllah `aleihi wa sallam) that occurred to him while writing “Bahjat al-Nufus”, an abridged commentary to Sahih al-Bukhari.


Anonymous quote:

سلطان المشرق والمغرب سيدي عبد الله بن أبي جمرة ” رضي الله عنه ” لا يقف ببابه شقي ولا عاق لوالديه. وما وقف أحد ببابه إلا وجبر. زاره سيدي أحمد بن عطاء الله السكندري بأمر من سيدنا رسول الله صلى الله وعليه آله وسلم في المنام، فأوصى أن يدفن بجواره وقد كان.روضته من النعيم المعجل في الدنيا، والدعاء عنده له طعم خاص. وبجواره المحدث صاحب السيرة سيدي محمد بن سيد الناس.هنيئا لمن وقف بباب الكرام، الله يعيد علينا زيارتهم في خير ولطف وعافية


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