Archives: Qasidas

Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Bio: Sh. Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

Shaykh Muhammad Zhafir (the son)

الشيخ محمد بن حمزة ظافر المدني
b. 1244 in Tarablus, Misrata (Libya) – d. 1321 H. in Istanbul (1829 – 1903 CE)
qaddasa Allah sirrahu


Book | Attar: Tadhkirat al-Awlia

Book | Attar: Tadhkirat al-Awlia

Tadhkirat al-Awlia

Biographies of early Sufis
by Farid al-Din al ’Attar
Original language: Persian

Book | Ibn ‘Ata Allah: Hikam (Aphorisms) – الحكم العطائية

Book | Ibn 'Ata Allah: Hikam (Aphorisms) - الحكم العطائية

Hikam (Aphorisms)

By Ibn 'Ata Allah al-Sakandari
الحكم للإمام ابن عطاء الله السكندري

Arabic: الحكم العطائية PDF (with tashkil)
Alternative writeup: PDF
➣ Ibn 'Ajiba: Iqazh al-Himam Text collection | on this site →
➣ Al-Sharnubi: Sharh al-Hikam - PDF Dar Ibn Kathir 1989 | Text
➣ Ibn 'Abbad al-Rundi: Sharh al-Hikam (PDF)
➣ Ahmad Zarruq: Sharh al-Hikam (PDF)
➣ More Shuruh:
Hikem-i Ataiyye (PDF)
English Transl: Al-Hikam - Sufi Aphorisms - PDF
Partial translations & commentaries:
➣ Ibn Abbad al-Rundi (partial, transl: The Guiding Helper Foundation) PDF
➣ Ibn 'Ajiba (partial, transl. Aisha Bewley): bewley | PDF 1, 2 | on this site →
Svensk översättning av Göran Ogén
På webben: damas | | Utgiven av Libris
Trad. al español de Francesc Gutiérrez: "Aforismos sufíes" (Editorial José J. de Olañeta)
Traduccion alternativa de Kamal Llopis al-Magriti PDF

Book | Ibn ‘Ata Allah: Kitab al-Tanwir

Book | Ibn 'Ata Allah: Kitab al-Tanwir

Kitab al-Tanwir fi isqat al-tadbir

The Book of Enlightenment on Dropping Self-Management
By Sh. Ibn 'Ata Allah al-Sakandary
ابن عطاء السكندري : كتلب التنوير في إسقات التدبير


المكتبة الأزهرية 2007
Transl. as "Tevekkül'ün İncelikleri / Tedbiri Terk Etmenin Esasları"
Urdu translation by Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Recommended translation: "Illuminating Guidance on dropping Self-Direction" by Ibrahim Hakim (Noon 2011)
For sale on:
View Summary | Scanned pages | PDF
Alternative translation from nmusa PDF | amazon Original edition from Noon 2011: ISBN 0615309895, 9780615309897. Variant edition from Facsimile Publisher (2015) - for sale on amazon. See also online PDF
Sobre el abandono de sí mismo - trad Juan José González
More : Editions world-wide: Worldcat. Indonesian translation available. 


Presentation of the book from

One cannot overestimate the value of Imam Ibn ‘Ata’Illah, may Allah be pleased with him, in preserving the teachings of the Shadhdhuliyyah, since he was the first to write them down. Both Imam Abu’l-Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli and his successor Imam Abu’l ‘Abbas al-Mursi, may Allah be pleased with them, never wrote any books on the Path. When asked why, Abu’l-Hasan replied, “My companions are my books.” Be that as it may, the teachings would not have survived down to this day as they have if Allah had not inspired Ibn ‘Ata’Illah to put them into written form.

One of the main reasons why this specific book is so fundamental is that it deals with a cardinal doctrine of the Shadhdhuli teaching, namely, the ceasing of self-direction and management in favour of choosing the management and direction of Allah (isqat at-tadbir). A major subject, to which actually half the book is devoted, is rizq, or provision and daily sustenance.

Ibn ‘Ata’Illah deals with the proper approach to acquiring one’s daily provision, the proper manners of withholding it and spending it, and most importantly, how and why one should not waste one’s energy in anxiety over it. In this respect, the Way of the Shadhdhuliyyah, unlike some of the other ways of Sufism, does not call for a life of begging and mendicancy, but rather teaches its adherents to live a life of intense contemplation in the midst of the worldly means of livelihood. In other words, ‘being in the world but not of the world.’ And the importance of this book can also be seen in the method it teaches the reader of how to apply this advice.


Table of Contents Download

—Chapter [1]. Submission and Abandoning Tadbir,
—Chapter [2]. Complete and Total Submission,
—Chapter [3]. The Stations of Certainty (Yaqin),
—Chapter [4]. The Means of Abandoning Tadbir with Allah Almighty,
—Chapter [5]. The Abandonment of Tadbir is the Noblest of the Divine Miraculous Gifts (karamat),
—Chapter [6]. The Submission of the ‘Face’ to Allah Almighty,
—Chapter [7]. The Types of Tadbir,
—Chapter [8]. The Divested of Means (mutajarrid) & the One of Means (mutasabbib),
—Chapter [9]. The Secret Purpose in the Creation of Tadbir,
—Chapter [10]. Tadbir in the Daily Provision (rizq),
—Chapter [11]. The Intended Desire of Allah Almighty in Creating Jinn and Man,
—Chapter [12]. The Gurantee of Sustenance by Allah Almighty for His Servants,
—Chapter [13]. The Coupling of Creation (khalq) and Sustenance (rizq),
—Chapter [14]. The Obligation to Command the Family to Salat,
—Chapter [15]. How Allah Almighty takes Responsibility fort Providing Sustenance,
—Chapter [16]. The State and Nature of Rizq,
—Chapter [17]. The Wisdom in Taking a Means of Livelihood (asbab),
—Chapter [18]. Reliance on Allah Almighty and the Taking of Means,
—Chapter [19]. The Explanation of the Litany of Shaykh Abu’l Abbas,
—Chapter [20]. The Harm of Tadbir with Allah Most High,
—Chapter [21]. Utterances of ther Realities.
—Concluding Supplication (du’aa),

Book | Yaqoubi: Al-‘Iqd al-Munaddad – العقد المنضد للشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

Book | Yaqoubi: Al-'Iqd al-Munaddad - العقد المنضد للشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

The Poem of the Necklace

In praise of our Master Muhammad ﷺ
By His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
العقد المنضد في مدح سيدنا محمد ﷺ السيد الشيخ محمدأبى الهدى اليعقوبي


Book | Yaqoubi: Ghazal al-Kalam – غزل الكلام للشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

Book | Yaqoubi: Ghazal al-Kalam - غزل الكلام للشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

Celebrating Love and Theology

Refutation of the Mu'tazilites
By His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
غزل الكلام في الرد على المعتزلة للعلامة الشيخ محمد اليعقوبي


Qasida | Amma al-Imam al-Shadhili – أما الإمام الشاذلي | Imam al-Busiri

Qasida | Amma al-Imam al-Shadhili - أما الإمام الشاذلي  | Imam al-Busiri

Busiri: In praise of Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili

By Imam Sharaf al-Din Muhammad b. Saʿīd al-Busiri
أما الإمام الشاذلي - قصيدة للإمام البوصيري في مدح الإمام أبي الحسن الشاذلي


Qasida | Arwah al-Ahbab – أرواح الأحباب | Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Arwah al-Ahbab - أرواح الأحباب | Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi

The Souls of the Lovers

Translated by his son, Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
By Shaykh Ibrahim Al-Yaqoubi
أرواح الأحباب - قصيدة للعارف بلله العلامة الشيخ إبراهيم اليعقوبي


Qasida | Arwah al-Ahbab – أرواح الأحباب | Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi Copy

Qasida | Arwah al-Ahbab - أرواح الأحباب | Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi Copy

The Souls of the Lovers

Translated by his son, Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
By Shaykh Ibrahim Al-Yaqoubi
أرواح الأحباب - قصيدة للعار بلله العلامة الشيخ إبراهيم اليعقوبي


Qasida | Bahr al-Jamal – بحر الجمال | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Bahr al-Jamal - بحر الجمال | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Ocean of Beauty

Tajla lial-Mahbub
By His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي

Bahrul Jamal


Qasida | Haramun ‘ala qalbi – حرام على قلبي محبة غيركم | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Haramun 'ala qalbi - حرام على قلبي محبة غيركم  | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

My heart can not love other than You

Ala inna dhikr Allah - Takhmis of a qasida of the Qutb Abu Madyan
By Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
حرام على قلبي محبة غيركم - الأصل للقطب أبي مدين فالتخميس للشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Ishrab sharab al-Hubb – اشرب شراب الحب | Sh. Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Ishrab sharab al-Hubb - اشرب شراب الحب | Sh. Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

The Drink of Love (The Realities of His Unity)

A poem dedicated to Sayyidunā Shaykh Abdul Qādir al-Jilānī - may Allah be pleased with him
By Shaykh Muḥammad Al-Yaqoubi
حقائق التوحيد (اشرب شراب الحب) للشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Ma’din al-Anwar – معدن الأنوار | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Ma'din al-Anwar - معدن الأنوار | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

The Mine of Light

A poem of tawassul by Moulay Abdus-Salam Ibn Mashish
Composed and recited during the Ziyara to his maqam near Tetuan in Muharram 1440 H. / Sept 2018

By His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
معدن الأنوار - قصيدة للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Nashr al-Yasemine – نشر الياسمين | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Nashr al-Yasemine - نشر الياسمين | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

The smell of Jasmine

Written on the blessed ocaasion of the Birth day of the Prophet ﷺ 1440
By His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
قصيدة نشر الياسمين للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبو الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Qutb al-Aqtab – قطب الأقطاب | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Qutb al-Aqtab - قطب الأقطاب | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

The Qutb of all Qutbs

In honor of Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili
By Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
قطب الأقطاب - قصيدة في مدح الإمام أبي الحسن الشاذلي رضي الله عنه
للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Qutb al-Ma’arif Ibrahim – قطب المعارف إبراهيم | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Qutb al-Ma'arif Ibrahim - قطب المعارف إبراهيم | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

The Pole of Gnostics Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi

Al-hamdu liAllah al-Qadim - A poem praise of a great Scholar and Knower of Allah
By his son Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
قصيدة للشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي في مدح والده قطب المعارف الشيخ إبراهيم اليعقوبي


Qasida | Rawwihul-qulub – روحوا القلوب | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Rawwihul-qulub - روحوا القلوب | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Refresh the hearts

From "The Lights of Spring" (Anwar al-Rabi')
By Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
قصيدة روحوا القلوب من ديوان أىوار الربيع للعلامة السيد
الشيخ محمد أبو الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Taba al-sharab – طاب الشراب | Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Taba al-sharab - طاب الشراب | Sh. Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi

A wholesome drink

Hadra poetry
By Shaykh Ibrahim Al-Yaqoubi
طاب الشراب - شعر للعارف بلله العلامة الشيخ إبراهيم اليعقوبي


Qasida | Tawajjuhat – توجهات للسالكين | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Tawajjuhat - توجهات للسالكين  | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Directions for seekers

By Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
توجهات للسالكين - شعر للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Tub ila Allah – تب إلى الله | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Tub ila Allah - تب إلى الله  | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi


A poem first composed in English, then translated into Arabic in Dhul Qa'da 1432 H. / Oct. 2011 CE
By Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
تب إلى الله - شعر للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي


Qasida | Ud’uni astajib lakum – ادعوني أستجب لكم | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Qasida | Ud'uni astajib lakum - ادعوني أستجب لكم | Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Call Me and I shall answer you

From the Diwan of the Yaqoubiat
By His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
ادعوني أستجب لكم - من ديوان اليعقوبيات للعلامة الشيخ محمد أبي الهدى اليعقوبي
